– ·
reptext_ddic (header)
– The specified text is not necessarily
output in the list, an optimum among all texts is sought
– ·
ddictxt (specify text)
– value set: SPACE, 'L', 'M', 'S'
• Parameters
for program fields without Data Dictionary reference
datatype (data type ) value set: SPACE, Data Dictionary data type
ddic_outputlen (external output length) value set: 0 (initial), n
intlen (internal output length)value set: 0 (initial), n
– rollname (data element) value set: SPACE, Data
Dictionary data element name
Priority rule:
Entries in the field catalog have priority over differing entries in the Data Dictionary.The following entries are
usually sufficient for internal table fields without a reference to the Data Dictionary
1 Fieldname 2 Outputlen
3 Datatype
4 seltext_s
5 seltext_m 6 seltext_l
•If the parameters SELTEXT_S, SELTEXT_M, SELTEXT_L, and REPTEXT_DDIC contain appropriate field labels,
the program field column headers are also adjusted appropriately when the column width changes.
Defaults :
The following entries are usually sufficient for internal table fields with a reference
to a field defined in the Data Dictionary :
• fieldname
• ref_tabname
ALV gets the remaining information from the Data Dictionary.
If no relative column position (COL_POS) is specified, the fields are output in the list in the
order in which they were added to the field catalog.
REF_FIELDNAME need only be specified when the name of the internal table field differs from the
name of the referred Data Dictionary field.
Information which is explicitly entered in the field
catalog is not overwritten by information from the Data Dictionary.
•If the internal output
table is defined via an ABAP/4 Dictionary structure (INCLUDE STRUCTURE struct or LIKE struct), the field catalog can be built-up
automatically by passing the structure name.
IS_LAYOUT -List layout specifications
•The parameters are described under the following headers:
– Display options
– Interaction
– Detail screen
– Display variants (only for hierarchical lists)
– Color
Display options
•lights_fieldname value set: SPACE, internal output table field name
•lights_tabname value set: SPACE, internal output table name
•lights_rollname value set: SPACE, data
element name
•lights_condense value set: SPACE, 'X'
•no_sumchoice value set: SPACE, 'X'
•no_totalline value set: SPACE, 'X'
•no_subchoice value set: SPACE, 'X'
•no_subtotals value set: SPACE, 'X'
•totals_only value set: SPACE, 'X'
•totals_text value set:
SPACE, string(max.60)
•subtotals_text value set: SPACE, string(max.60)
•numc_sum value set: SPACE, 'X'
•box_fieldname value set: SPACE, internal
output table field name
•box_tabname value set: SPACE, internal
output table name
•no_input value set: SPACE, 'X'
•expand_fieldname value set: SPACE, internal
header table field name
•f2code value set:
SPACE, function code
•confirmation_prompt value set: SPACE, 'X'
•key_hotspot value set: SPACE, 'X'
•no_keyfix value set: SPACE,
•get_selinfos value set: SPACE, 'X'
Detail screen
detail_popup value set: SPACE, 'X'
detail_initial_lines value set: SPACE, 'X'
• detail_titlebar value
set: SPACE, string(max.30)
Display variants & color
header_text value set: SPACE, CHAR(20)
• item_text value set:
• item_default value set:
• info_fieldname
value set: SPACE, internal output table field name
• coltab_fieldname value
set: SPACE, internal output table field name
The caller specifies the sorting and/or subtotalling of the basic list in the
internal table IT_SORT.
• This internal table has the following fields
Sort sequence
Internal output table field name
Tabname Name of the internal output
'X' = sort in ascending order
'X' = sort in descending order
'X' = subtotal at group value change
– group
'* ' = new page at group value change
'UL' = underline at group value change
This table tells
ALV which events are processed by the caller by CALLBACK.
• The table of possible events per list type can be initialized using the module REUSE_ALV_EVENTS_GET.
• You can display the names of the constants in the type pools SLIS which represent the
individual events using the individual test function in the function module
a form routine name are processed.
The table structure contains the fields:
– IT_EVENTS-NAME-Name of the Callback event.
Action :
• List processing events
– IT_EVENTS-FORM - Name of the form routine which should be called in the
calling program at the event.
•EXIT routine for command handling
–Passing an EXIT routine tells ALV that the application wants to react to certain function codes itself.
These are general function codes which ALV does not recognize (not ALV standard functions) and which were defined and set
by an application status.
FORM user_command USING r_ucomm LIKE sy-ucomm rs_selfield TYPE slis_selfield.
–The parameter R_UCOMM contains the function code called.
•Table for passing ALV standard function codes,
to return control to the user before and/or after execution with the callback event USER_COMMAND.
The table fields are as follows:
•Passing an EXIT routine tells the ALV that the caller wants
to set his or her own user status. In this case, the default ALV status is not
set. The form routine interface must be defined as follows:
FORM set_pf_status USING rt_extab TYPE slis_t_extab
•The table RT_EXTAB contains those function codes that are hidden
on the standard interface.
The structure RS_SELFIELD contains information:
tabname : internal output table name
tabindex : internal output table index
fieldname: field name of cursor position
sel_tab_field: cell name of cursor position (internal ALV table name field
endsum : cursor is on the final total row
sumindex : if >0, the cursor is on a subtotal row
value : field value on the list
refresh : (exporting) list is to be refreshed
col_stable:(exporting) keep column positions in refresh
row_stable:(exporting) keep row positions in refresh
exit :(exporting) leave list (and ALV)
before_action: jump before performing standard action
after_action : jump after performing standard action, before creating list
ignore_multi : internal use
Filter criteria for first list output
• Filter criteria
which result, e.g. from explicitly loading an initial display variant, can be passed to list output in this parameter. This
table should never be built-up 'manually'.
• Initial variant logic active/inactive.
Prerequisite: The parameter IS_VARIANT has the appropriate value
Value Range
SPACE = no initial variant can be defined 'X' = initial variant can be defined
Default SPACE
I_SAVE - variants
can be saved
Value Range
' ' = display variants cannot be saved
– 'X' = standard save
– 'U' = only user-specific saving
– 'A' = standard
and user-specific saving
This structure is only relevant if display variants are to be saved and/or read
• The access path must be specified in the fields
– REPORT (required field),
– HANDLE (optional) unique user-assigned
CHAR(4) field
LOG_GROUP (optional)
•To avoid overloading list output with interface consistency checks, they are only made in
an extra call mode.
•If this parameter is 'X', the consistency of the interface is checked when the function
module is called, and an error log is output.
•This parameter should only be set for development test purposes (e.g. in debugging).
•The interface
check can also be made on the results list by entering the function code &SOS.
• Print information
• Print control parameter
Coordinates for list in dialog box
– Only to be used if the list is output in a popup.
• x coordinate of the top left-hand corner of the
• x
coordinate of the bottom right-hand corner of the popup.
Coordinates for list in dialog box
– Only used if the list is output in a popup.
• y coordinate of the top left-hand corner of the popup.
y coordinate of the bottom right-hand corner of the popup.
Parameter which states whether the caller left the list (SELFIELD-EXIT = 'X') in CALLBACK USER_COMMAND
• How the user left the list
– If one of the ALV standard function codes for 'Back', 'Cancel' or 'Exit' occurs, the current list
is discarded and the ALV function module ends. In this case the exporting structure ES_EXIT_CAUSED_BY_USER contains one of
the following flags:
'Back' occurred
'Cancel' occurred
'Exit' occurred
– The function which occured determines the further navigation in the application.
Table with data to be displayed
– This table can contain more fields than are relevant for the list
output (display fields and field list). Only the fields named in field catalog and the layout structure are used for the list
output. Other internal table fields are ignored.
If the internal table is defined in the calling program without a header, no F1 help is possible in the list.
Program errors
Exception type
If the exception is not handled by the calling program, the following applies:
(X) an error message is sent.
) a termination message is sent.
( ) a runtime error occurs.
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