SALE Area Menu for ALE configurations.It includes transactions
Logical System definition and linking it to a client, Transactions
RFC Destination and Port Definition Etc.
SM59 RFC Destination
Here we specify the login settings for the destination
the I.P address or Application Server name and the
User name and
password.The information entered here is used to run Remote
Calls(RFC ) on the destination server .We can create number
of types
of RFC Destinations but 3 types are important .
R/3 (R/3 to R/3), LS(logical system) and TCP/IP.
The name of the RFC destination should be same as that
of Logical
System as it helps in creation of automatic partner
WE21 Port Definition.
There are 6 types of ports but only 2 types File and Transactional
types of ports are important.
We have to specify the RFC Destination before a port can
be created.
WE57 This is used to assign the Inbound function module to the
Message Type
and to the IDOC Type.
WE42 This is used to define the process Code for Inbound
BD95 Define Filter object type .We can specify the field
and the table it belongs
to as a filter object .
BD59 Assignment of Filter object type to the Message Type .Here
we create the
link between Filter object and the segment and the
message type and the
segment Field.
BD50 Set message Type to reducible.
BD65 Define Mandatory Fields.
BD64 Distribution Model . Also known as Customer Distribution
Model Used to
define all the messages that will be exchanged between remote
and the name of thes logical systems. Any filters can also
be specified.
The model once created has to be distributed on every system
which will
be communicating ,It can be maintained on only One system.
BD21 Creating IDOcs from change pointers.
This can be used to create IDOCs from change pointers for
a particular
message LIKE MATMAS.
BD22 This can be used to delete change pointers.
BD87 Status Monitor. Idocs can be selected base on number of criteria
and there
processing status can be seen in detail.
BD10 Material Master Data Distribution .
Based on Message MATMAS.
BD12 Customer Master Data Distribution .
Based on Message CREMAS.
BD14 Vendor Master Data Distribution
Based on Message DEBMAS .
BDFG Generate ALE Interface for BAPI.
Here we specify the Business Object and the BAPI Function
module for
which the interface has to be created.